Rick Klepper: 678.588.1622 | Doug Wilson: 205.903.3272 | Kerry Gossett: 205.281.5681 | Doug Hughes: 205.527.0876 staff@counterthreatgrp.com

International travel  Risks

International Travel Consulting
International trips require pre-planning for safety, logistics, and security in light of current world circumstances. Our team is prepared to help with country-specific planning and is available to prepare your group and accompany when requested. CTG may, in some cases, collaborate with unique organizations to assist your trip.

International Travel Safety Seminars
CTG provides useful information for any international traveler to include information on blending into the environment and masking American stereotypes to reduce attracting attention. CTG also proves specific safety tips to reduce the risk for crime and terrorism including public transportation, lodging, and passport/wallet security.

International Travel Considerations
CTG offers country-specific intel detailing high-risk countries and regions including terrorism threats, trends, and statistics. Travel Safety seems to be a hot topic these days as would be expected considering many of the ongoing national and international concerns. We have compiled a list of links to help you consider travel safety for your trips.

International Travel Checklist

Doug Wilson

Is International travel in your future? Are you prepared and informed on how to travel safely? Hear Doug Wilson outline some important travel safety tips for the international traveler.

(for domestic travel, see Risk Assessment tab)

State Department International Travel Resource Page

State Department Travel Advisory Site (Search by Country)

Smart Traveler Enrollment Program

Jan 12, 2018 State Department Travel Warning for Mexico

Counter the Threat

Threat Assessment

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